
DSI | Mission Aligned, Commitment Defined

DSI Receives Certification of Completion for Bowie Business Innovation Center (BIC) 8(a) Accelerator Program

December 17, 2021; Dynamic Service Integration Corporation (DSI) recently completed the Bowie Business Innovation Center (BIC) 8(a) Accelerator Program. This is a comprehensive training and certification program designed to give certified 8(a) businesses the competitive edge they need to secure more government contracting work. More than $32 million in new contract awards have already been reported by the 57 companies who participated in the three prior sessions of the 8(a) Accelerator program. The 8(a) Accelerator at Bowie BIC exposes you to extra federal contracting resources, free-market intelligence tools, and mentors who have completed the SBA's 8(a) program successfully.

During the course of the seven-week program, some of the key points in helping to make your business a success while being a part of the Bowie BIC 8(a) Accelerator program are:

  • Coaching on the development of your capture strategy
  • Having access to successful 8(a) business leaders serving as speakers and business resources during each training session
  • One-on-one mentoring with successful 8(a) business executives
  • Strategies to develop and expand your own network of teaming partners, advisors, and industry experts

“I was inspired by the conversations I had with other business owners during our weekly sessions who have the same goals and aspirations as myself for their firms. Collaborating with like-minded individuals that are willing to do whatever it takes and work hard to achieve those said goals was motivating.” -Myke Jones

For information:  Michael Jones, President & CEO, 202-213-1521; [email protected]
For more information on the Bowie BIC 8(a) Accelerator Program:

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